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Je suis maman de deux enfants âgés de 12 et 6 ans. Ils sont baignés dans la culture francophone depuis qu’ils sont tout petits, mais il est difficile de trouver des ouvrages en français dans cette région. Nous sommes abonnés aux Petits livres depuis 2020. J’aime beaucoup ce système de bibliothèque en ligne car il propose un choix très varié de livres et bandes dessinées en français. Le fonctionnement est très simple et les abonnements sont modulables en fonction des besoins de chacun. J’apprécie de ne plus devoir acheter une multitude de livres qui s’accumulent sur les étagères, mais de pouvoir continuer de proposer une gamme variée de lecture à mes enfants. Merci infiniment aux Petits livres !
Cécile M. - 4L Plan

Superbe concept mis en place! Grâce à une très large variété de livres, nos 2 garçons prennent un véritable plaisir à se plonger dans la lecture française. Merci Les Petits Livres de faire vivre la culture française hors de France!
Sonia M - 4L Plan

Les Petits Livres is great resource for our school. We have our own library but there is always more room for books in a child's life! Read to your children, read with your children, listen to your children read! Vive les livres en français! Merci for this wonderful service!
Emmanuelle Benefield, Ma Petite École A la carte plan

Les Petits Livres' virtual lending library is an essential part of our family’s literary and homeschool culture. It is difficult to find French children’s books where we live, and Les Petits Livres easily meets this challenge with high quality children’s literature for all ages and stages. We have subscribed since my first child was just a few months old - now he’s going into second grade - and we plan on continuing to grow up with them. Les Petits Livres is a cornerstone of our family’s daily read-aloud routine and our children’s journey to reading and writing in French!
Kristen - 4L Plan

We are so grateful for Les Petits Livres which has allowed our family to engage with the French language in a fun and natural way - through books! We have been reading Les Petits Livres books to Lucie and Charlotte since they were three and four. Now, five years later, they are able to read on their own (but still love to snuggle and read together too). Les Petits Livres is spot on when finding books that match our daughters' ages and interests and the girls enjoy the summer reading bingo challenge. I highly recommend this wonderful resource in helping your child develop a love of French!
Claire - 4L Plan

Le choix et la qualité des livres reçus sont excellents. Je me régale de ces histoires !
2L Plan, age groups: 9 to 12, state: CA

Thank you so much ! My daughter has been delighted with the books we have received. As a French teacher, I am so happy to have discovered you !
2L Plan, age groups: 0 to 3, state: VA

The selections are great ! We're happy customers. My son recognized the package when it arrived yesterday on the doorstep, and he couldn't wait to start reading.
4U Plan, age group: 9 to 12 years old, gender: boy, state: CA

We love it! Terrific match for ages and interests!
4L Plan, age group: 0 to 3 and 3 to 5 years old, gender: boy and girl, state: APO

What a great company! Les Petit Livres fills a great niche. The selections are very well suited for each age range and gender. This service exposes children to such a wide variety of French reading - something we wouldn't be able to do otherwise. The service and selections are excellent. My children are so excited to receive the books in the mail. It makes reading in French a fun experience. Everyone I've told about LPL is really appreciative of this unique and valuable service. Merci Les Petits Livres!
4L Plan, age group: 5 to 7 and 7 to 9 years old, gender: two boys, state: HI

My kids love this ! I stumbled on this website and decided to try it. I am not french- speaking but my kids are. They really enjoy the books Les Petits Livres sends them.
2L Plan, age group: 3 to 5 and 5 to 7 years old, gender: girl and boy, state: CA

Les Petits Livres has been a great addition to our household ! It keeps the kids busy with the constant supply of quality books. Thank you for a great service and a great book selection !!!!
4U Plan, age group: 3 to 5 and 7 to 9, gender: two boys, state: CA

My ten year old son has never read so many French books and so many diverse ones! Thanks for all this hard and inventive work.
2L Plan, age group 5 to 7 and to 9 to 12, gender: two boys, state: FL