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PVF Summer 2013 Reading Program

We are pleased to present students of Parlez-vous français ? (PVF) in New Jersey with a special offering to support their Summer 2013 required reading program.

What: La mallette à mystères
La mallette à mystères contains 4 or 6 children fiction books in French: one of these books will be the required reading title selected by PVF for each class. The other 3 or 5 titles are either: - selected by Les Petits Livres from available titles in the same detective novel genre (romans policiers) and suitable for your child's age or reading level, or - picked from your wishlist (as long as the titles are available at time of shipment).
Each mallette à mystères is intended for one child. We offer the mallette à mystères for each class level from Grande Section to A6/6ème

When : Summer 2013
Each mallette à mystères can be kept for a period of 6 weeks during the summer.
We offer two 6-weeks periods for you to choose from :
- early summer (from 6/08 to 7/20), and
- late summer (from 8/05 to 9/15)
For early summer, books are due back no later than 7/31, for late summer, no later than 9/25.
(Fees for books not returned by the due date will apply, as per our terms and conditions: $15/ missing book).

How much ?
Our prices, $20 for 4 books or $24 for 6, include rental fees for the given period and shipping both ways.

How to order ? 
No matter what is the period for which you would like to receive the books, please place your order on or before 6/1/2013. By ordering early, you have more chance of receiving all books in the genre selected by PVF, if that is what you choose. After creating an account with us, you will have an opportunity to create your wishlist.

Click here to order

How to create a wishlist?
After registering with us, you'll be able to create your wishlist, should you choose to do so. If you have a wishlist, we will select books for your mallette à mystères from that wishlist. Otherwise, we will make the selections for you.

You can select titles from our detective novels (romans policiers) by following the links below arranged by age group. You are also free to add any other titles in the same age group, fiction titles only please.
Detective novels for 5 to 7 years old Detective novels for 7 to 9 years old Detective novels for 9 to 12 years old
Sort By:
La vengeance du baron Pizza La Peur du Louvre Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur
Carton noir Le secret de la cathédrale Libérez Lili !
Lulu a disparu Panique au cirque Le Sceptre D'or
En sortant de l'école Détective zéro zéro nul Le canon du diable
Enigmes au château fort 60 énigmes à résoudre - La conspiration du corail rouge La puce, détective rusé
Mon prof est un espion Lapoigne et l'ogre du métro Un printemps vert panique
J'ai tué mon prof ! L'énigme du crottin qui pue Le grand sommeil : une enquête de John Chatterton
Lilas : une enquête de John Chatterton La reine des fourmis a disparu Un privé chez les insectes
John Chatterton, détective Les K L'énigme des sept dragons Un fantôme au pensionnat
Sans Atout dans la gueule du loup Sans Atout et le cheval fantôme Sans Atout contre l'homme à la dague
P. P. Cul-Vert et le mystère du Loch Ness Jean Quête, détective privé La demeure mystérieuse
Le train bleu Des inconnus dans le jardin Enigme aux jeux Olympiques
Any questions, please contact [email protected]